Elite provide the next generation of work area support for your greenhouse with the Diamond Series of staging and shelving.
Elite’s greenhouse and lean-to frame can accommodate super strength diamond integral staging
Made from extruded aluminium giving a stronger and thicker material
Can be fitted to any Elite greenhouse or lean-to
Cantilever bracing attached directly onto the framework structure adding extra strength and stability
Accommodating the diagonal strengthening braces within an Elite building thus allowing for the first time a “fixed” or staging which can fit the full width or length of the greenhouses
Neater and professional finish
No visible legs – your work space is increased through allowing for additional storage space beneath the staging
Can be adjusted in height, allowing you to sit directly at the bench whilst working
Provides added benefits for wheelchair users
Slatted design allowing for extra ventilation to any produce placed on the work surface
Ideal for fluid drainage, compared with traditional designs
Easier to sweep out the greenhouse without having to move
free standing staging
2 Slats (7 1/2”)
from the glass 8 1/2” 3 Slats (11”)
from the glass 12 1/4” 5 Slats (18 1/2”)
from the glass 19 3/4” 7 Slats (26”)
from the glass 27 1/4”
4′ long 6′ long 8′ long 4′ long 6′ long 8′ long 4′ long 6′ long 8′ long 4′ long 6′ long 8′ long
Combined to make longer lengths Combined to make longer lengths Combined to make longer lengths Combined to make longer lengths
Postage & Packaging costs have been built into the prices of this item. If you wish to order more than one Item this will reduce the overall price as we can combine the delivery. Please e mail us sales@threecountiesuk telling us what you wish to order and we will give you your discounted price.